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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/01/15 The Church Pt. 2 Dwight Harrison The Church Sun PM 2-1-15Dwight_Harrison_-_The_Church2pm.mp3
01/25/15 Why is the House of God Forsaken? Pt. 3 Dwight Harrison Why is the House of God Forsaken? Sun AM 1-25-15Dwight_Harrison_-_Why_is_the_House_of_God_Forsaken3am.mp3
01/25/15 Why is the House of God Forsaken? Pt. 4 Dwight Harrison Why is the House of God Forsaken? Sun PM 1-25-15Dwight_Harrison_-_Why_is_the_House_of_God_Forsaken4pm.mp3
01/18/15 Why is the House of God Forsaken? Pt. 1 Dwight Harrison Why is the House of God Forsaken? Sun AM 1-18-15Dwight_Harrison_-_Why_is_the_House_of_God_Forsaken1am.mp3
01/18/15 Why is the House of God Forsaken? Pt. 2 Dwight Harrison Why is the House of God Forsaken? Sun PM 1-18-15Dwight_Harrison_-_Why_is_the_House_of_God_Forsaken2pm.mp3
01/11/15 Onesiphorus Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 1-11-15Dwight_Harrison_-_Onesiphorusam.mp3
01/11/15 Potential Holden Smith N/A Sun PM 1-11-15Holden_Smith_-_Potentialpm.mp3
01/04/15 2015 Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 1-4-15Dwight_Harrison_-_2015am.mp3
01/04/15 Problems We Will Deal With in 2015 Dwight Harrison N/A Sun PM 1-4-15Dwight_Harrison_-_Problems_We_Will_Deal_With_in_2015pm.mp3
12/28/14 Were You a Good Listener in 2014? Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 12-28-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Were_You_A_Good_Listener_in_2014am.mp3
12/28/14 Close of 2014 Dwight Harrison N/A Sun PM 12-28-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Close_of_2014pm.mp3
12/21/14 Call to Judgment Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 12-21-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Call_to_Judgmentam.mp3
12/21/14 Call to Judgment Dwight Harrison N/A Sun PM 12-21-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Call_to_Judgmentpm.mp3
12/14/14 Job Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 12-14-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Jobam.mp3
12/14/14 Sacrifices/Calling on the Name of the Lord Ethan Benson N/A Sun PM 12-14-14Ethan_Benson_-_Sacrifices-Calling_on_the_Name_of_the_Lordpm.mp3
12/07/14 Job Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 12-7-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Jobam.mp3
12/07/14 What Kind of a Christian Are You? II Dwight Harrison N/A Sun PM 12-7-14Dwight_Harrison_-_What_Kind_of_a_Christian_Are_Youpm.mp3
11/30/14 A Man of God Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 11-30-14Dwight_Harrison_-_A_Man_of_Godam.mp3
11/30/14 What Kind of Christian Are You? Dwight Harrison N/A Sun PM 11-30-14Dwight_Harrison_-_What_Kind_of_Christian_Are_Youpm.mp3
11/23/14 Thanksgiving Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 11-23-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Thanksgivingam.mp3
11/23/14 Thanksgiving Dwight Harrison N/A Sun PM 11-23-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Thanksgivingpm.mp3
11/16/14 A Good Name Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 11-16-14Dwight_Harrison_-_A_Good_Nameam.mp3
11/16/14 Do You Understand the Truth? Dwight Harrison N/A Sun PM 11-16-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Do_You_Understand_the_Truthpm.mp3
11/09/14 Almost Dwight Harrison N/A Sun AM 11-9-14Dwight_Harrison_-_Almostam.mp3
11/09/14 Naaman the Leper Steve Kieffner N/A Sun PM 11-9-14Steve_Kieffner_-_Naaman_the_Leperpm.mp3

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